Aqua Rain Snorkel
Aqua Rain Snorkel
Water drawn from the bottom of tanks often contains the poorest quality water. Organic matter, such as rotting leaves and debris, naturally settles at the tank's bottom, creating a sediment layer where microorganisms thrive. These microorganisms consume oxygen from the water, leading to low-oxygen zones (anaerobic zones) in the tank's lower portion, where most home outlets are located.
To avoid drawing water from this lower zone and ensure the freshest, oxygenated water from the top of your tank, consider installing an AquaSnorkel. This innovative floating pipe directs fresh water from the tank's upper levels into your home, guaranteeing consistently fresh and oxygenated water supply. Say goodbye to compromised water quality and enjoy the peace of mind of having the freshest water at all times.
Code: TAR-SN